Wednesday, 22 October 2014

One year and counting...

I imagined ill be wayy more excited than i am right now, while writing this post. Yes, its a year and 16 days since i made it here. Girl in the mirror, is a year old :)

Its a moment of pride that I lasted this long. But i feel nothing else right now, today. A month back when i was thinking of this day, it was overwhelming happiness and joy.. i was literally jumping around and pooping rainbows. Then what's changed you ask? Lot of things. Things I wanna talk about, but just cant find the right words to.

I'm grateful for my job. It keeps me busy and gets me tired everyday. Anyway, back to my world here. I know i'm not writing a lot anymore, its because things have been crazy recently in life. i'm scared to put it all out here in the open, makes me all vulnerable.. because the things happening are quite personal.

But ill be back soon. I know ill get up, dust myself and be ready to join the party here SOON. Its not THAT bad, really :)

As for the one year here, I'm still very grateful to the person who pushed me to take this step, this is my first blog and it will always be special. I am also thankful, for all the crazy people in my life who gave me a new reason to blog every week, and of course all you random readers, some of whom have even dropped me messages to say you can relate.. thank you, you are one of the reasons i keep coming back. And lastly, I thank my God, his grace has always been enough.

Until next time :)

Oh btw, Its Diwali night in my town, one of the brightest and loudest nights of the year :)

Sunday, 14 September 2014

We slept together one last time.

Before all your perverted minds start racing, I'm talking bout my phone. 

So yes,  this post is to lock and store in my memory my journey with my (now) old phone. 

She was with me for two long years and it was fun.  She's watched me laugh hysterically and also sob like there is no tomorrow.

She's also been a silent punching bag and taken everything I've thrown at her without a word. 

She was beautiful, she was mine.

And I have no qualms in admitting I was so attached to her that I don't mind looking ridiculous about dedicating this post to her.

Her time in my life is over, and this is me letting her go.

Goodbye. You were a blessing, old phone.

P.s I miss your keypad already!

Saturday, 13 September 2014


As of  9th September:

As i look back at my teenage years, i'm overwhelmed with nothing more than gratitude. Those were the best years of my life, hands down.

The thrills and high's i've had, made life worth living and looking forward to. For years i went to sleep with a secure smile and woke up with one.

Change is big. Sometimes too big to comprehend.

Sometimes you hear a goodbye from people you least expect. And for reasons most ridiculous.

But life MUST go on.

The future looks bleak and thinking of it sends a cold shiver down my spine.

I tell myself.. One day at a time. One day at a time, and it won't be so bad.

Sunday, 7 September 2014


I'm having a serious case of wanderlust, people! I want to need to travel! Its been soo long, the itch is just getting worse and making me so restless.

I keep thinking of the places i wanna go to, the sights i wanna see, the things i wanna experience, the people i can meet, the foooood ill get to eat. Its hopeless ya'll!

Sunday, 31 August 2014

Sunday Musings!

I have 60 eggs stocked in my fridge and i'm not kidding one bit! It looks something like this!

Anyway.. Here is how.. One of my mom's friends has a farm and so she had a generous day and sent my mom this "little present". I know its cool and stuff! But 60? COME ON!

Anyway so since the time it came home, we first distributed it to kind people around us but we're still left with plenty so we're having a egg party! :D

It started with Egg fried rice today, which turned out pretty delicious btw!  And then now i just made a batch of deviled eggs, which were pretty good too :)

For tonight I'm thinking on the lines of a egg cutlet mayeb? THIS recipe caught my eye..

And maybe egg pizza or sandwich for breakfast! Haha.. I'm sure ill hate the sight of egg for a few weeks after this!

P.S: Pictures used are all for representational purpose only i don't claim ownership.

Saturday, 30 August 2014

Five Minute Friday - Stereotypes

I just thought ill take five mins this Friday evening to talk about something that's been on my mind a while, Stereotypes.

We live in a society that's quick to Stereotype people based on just about anything like physical appearance, color, race, religion, sex, education. And media still plays a huge role in contributing to this mindset. And being a part of this society we have, i'm sure been both victims and predators at some point in time. One of the most common one is the 'dumb blonde" which we all have heard or probably even used at some point in time.

Yeah? Now you get where i'm heading. I'm no saint i know i have said stuff i should not have in this context more than just a few times. But that's the whole point of growing up, right? Learn, mature, live better. This is me doing that.

Careful research (Google searches can be called that, right?) i found that most of these common Stereotypes we oh so casually use have ABSOLUTELY NO FACTS to back them. Not feeling so cool about those name callings now, are we?

What can we do now? Stop throwing them at people? YES. Because, honestly throwing the moral compass aside lets just think logically shall we? One Stereotype that comes to mind immediately, is the one that says Only men think about SEX a looot. Not true, women are no longer the type than worry about clean plates and clothes. Trust me, i would know!

Some common lame one i found at THIS site that will make you smile :)

  • Men are stronger and more aggressive.
  • Men are better at sports.
  • Men hate reading.
  • Men always have an "I don't care" attitude.
  • Men are tough.
  • Men are thickheaded.
  • Men like cars.
  • Men wear whatever is clean.
  • Men usually work in messy places.
  • Men like car or porn magazines.
  • Men brag about intimacy.
  • Men take too many chances.
  • Men always lose all arguments against girls.
  • Women always smell good.
  • Women take forever to do anything.
  • Women are more brilliant than men.
  • Women are always moody.
  • Women try to work out problems while men take immediate action.
  • All women like the color pink.
  • All women like dolls.
  • Women become cheerleaders.
  • Women take 2 hours to shower.
  • Women hog the bathroom.
  • Women love mirrors.
  • Women like make-up.
  • Women are fussy about their hair.
  • Women like fashion magazines.
  • Women are discrete about intimacy.
  • Women do not drive well.
  • Women never take chances.
  • Women always talk too much on the phone.
  • Women actually use only 5% of what's in their purse. Everything else is junk.
Be wise, don't assume.. Lets use our God given brains together, to bring change and make this world a better place :)

Saturday, 23 August 2014


I'm loving how i can come here and type away even if no one is listening. There is something about blogging that is very satisfying.

So today i thought ill just let everybody know what is "Currently" happening in life.

Um.. On the work front I'm working at this amazing place with all these amazing people..Few glitches here and there, but everything smoothing out pretty well as of now. There were a few ego clashes, but sense prevailed and life is good.

Physically i'm not in a very good place. There is nothing majorly wrong with me, but i have this oh so annoying uneasy feeling alllllll the time, its a tummy ache or a random headache, or just a deep pitted feeling in my stomach. I can't put a finger on what it could be or what is causing it! Its just weird, because i haven't really eaten anything out of my usual diet too. I hope it sorts itself out soon.

I'm in a very happy place mentally, i don't know why but the past week has been a high for me, in terms of my mood. Its beautiful and blissful!

Well, in my side of the world its 8:20 am, and its quite a pleasant morning. Everyone at home has just left for work and i have precisely 45 mins 38 seconds to shower and get dressed before my cab is here. Im contemplating making myself a hot bowl of noodles or just having breakfast later in office.

And oh i seem to have left my phone charger around somewhere again, my phone just got into the "annoying buzzing every two seconds' mode to
warn me of its death soon.

Time to run Ya'll! Have a grand week. :)

New look, Old me!

Greetings Earthlings!

Has anyone noticed how i revamped this tiny little place of my own? Its exciting and satisfying. I slowly see this place becoming all i want it to be.

I'm becoming kinda sorta a weekend blogger these days. I come home around 9:30 pm every night, and honestly, i don't have the drive to write a post so late.. i just eat and jump into bed or at the most watch a movie on good days.

Anyway, I'm here today to share a yummy recipe i came across and made morning, and loved so much! I had buns, eggs and a growling tummy. I had no clue what to make.. and had that itch to eat something new. So i searched the internet and discovered MASALA BUNS!

It hardly took me 15 mins and it was heavenly. I used this recipe with few tweaks to suit my taste and it turned out perfect! Have buns and eggs? You wont regret trying this one :)

Sunday, 3 August 2014

' To friends of yesterday, today and tomorrow.

For those of you who haven't heard today is International Friendship day. I have always struggled to define that word, its just impossible to give it a meaning and confine it to that. A famous quote goes 'Friends are the family you get to choose" as corny and cliche that sounds that's the only thing i can think of that comes close.

Its beyond just hanging out and eating at a new place every other week, Its wayy more.
Its a blessing to have friends. I can proudly acknowledge the fact that i won't be a major part of who i am today if it had not been for my friends.

As we move on with our lives and careers, we sometimes also move on from certain friendships, but that doesn't always change the role they once played in your life.

I have all kinds of friends, the ones we are close with for as long as we can remember.. i have people i have been friends with since i was like 3.. and our relationships have only evolved and gotten more awesome'r over the years. And then there are the school friends,, you can never get over them can you? I'm not in touch with all of them, but when ever i do meet up like even if its once a year, we just take it from where we left off. The gap is never felt. Is it like that with everyone out there? I don't know, but i love how beautiful it is.

And then there are people you just met and you become soul mates in a week. The similarity or disparity whatever facilitates the relationship is so crazy? (<- Read that again slowly). You just meet them and hit it off right from the first time and your soon inseparable.

Then there are others you are close to, lose contact for like 3 or 4 years in between and get together again. I have a few friends like that too. Its insane.. we spent so much time just catching up on the lost years.

And then there are others who randomly bump into us every once in a while.. We were never close to them and probably never will be too.. But they are still quite cherished.

I could go on like this forever. Sometimes my friends have come through for me the moments i have least expected them to. And there are also time i have been let down and really hurt by friends.. but i guess that just adds to the beauty of the whole relationship.

In my big move from college to the corporate world one of the things i missed most were my friends.. but things have been amazing ever since i stopped acting like the newbie to whom people need to come talk to and walked up to talk to people on my own.

So this is a post to all those people i have called a friend over the very many years through school, college and other phases. I would give you a all a hug if i could.

This is also to the friends I'm gonna make in the future. Because i strongly believe you never stop needing friends.

Thank you and I love you all and oh yes before i start babbling again, a very happy friendship day.

Ps: The title of this post is so lame. But honestly, i have a block and can't think of anything else.

Friday, 25 July 2014

Routines and Peace.

I missed writing here, i was just checking and its been a month and 8 days exactly since i got here. I was just reading that last post and MY soo much has changed since then.

Life has only gotten better. For those of you who haven't heard me screaming and doing a happy dance, Yes i got the job with one of the big four in the finance world hence right now my MBA plans are on hold at least for a year.

The transaction from being a student to a "working person with responsibility" has been smooth except for minor glitches here and there. I could not have asked for anything better from my employers, i havent been thrown at great speed into anything, YET. Training to assignments everything has been happening at a very comfortable pace. 

So yes life is good, i have nothing really to complain about today :)

But i do need a list of books to read and a decent playlist. My journey to office is a good two hours, and most days im stuck between half sleeping and going up and down my Facebook feed. 

While my life is getting into a peaceful routine i can't help but think about all that our world is going through. Everyday i open the newspaper it literally breaks my heart to see the stuff some of my fellow humans are doing. The Gaza conflict, first the MH 17 and now the Algerian flight.. Is'nt air travel supposed to be the safest?

Closer home in my country the scene is no better, still the same number of horrifying rape cases. And today's newspaper brought the news of a school bus accident where 14 little kids died and rest are just writhing in pain. 

It makes me wonder where we are heading? There is so much violence and bloodshed around its almost as if we are getting used to it. That is even more dangerous than what's happening now.

I hope and pray that there never come a day where such things don't move us. But having said that i think we ought to do more as world citizens than just pray inside closed doors. I still belive the good in the world is more than all the bad. Th e only difference, they have united, we have not.

This calls for more that just candle light marches, wearing black in protest or putting up strong worded statuses, or for that matter even a blog post like this. We need to DO something. We need to MAKE it stop. We NEED to work towards peace.

So this is me, raising my glass to the action we are gonna take, anything big or small that will get us a step towards peace. Peace in our minds, peace in our homes. peace in our communities, peace in our countries and peace in our world.

You'd be surprised how many people stand with you when you decide to take the first step.


Totally unrelated, I like this song :P

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

What i do when I'm bored.


Yes, i randomly Google words or a specific theme, pick a picture and start painting it. Most of the time by the time i'm halfway into it i would had "modified" the picture to make it look more me, so by the time im done, it looks nothing like the picture i started with. But its fun and time consuming, so keeps boredom at bay, so what the hell :)

Here are a few.

There are amazing tutorials everywhere, anyone curious wont have a issue on where to start first :)



1. Have you thought about what i said?
2. Do you think I can be a singer?
3. why doesn't cotton candy come in other colors?
4. So you can stitch?
5. Do you think those Yoga people can carry themselves?
6. Do you still feel it?
7. Can i paint your face?
8. Will you be my photographer?
9. Can i have some money, mummy?
10. Why cant i sleep as long as i want?
11. Are you hungry? Can we eat even if your not?
12. Can i have some more money, mom?
13. Is it normal to feel this way?
14. Can i drive?


I'm able to sleep 14 hours and not have a issue falling asleep again in a few hours, Is that normal? I dunno how i'm gonna get out of this lifestyle when i start work (Which, btw, is exactly 13 days away)

4. I READ.

This could be the only semi normal thing i do. Im on the look out for good books, any suggestions anyone?

Oh and for those of you who havent heard of wattpad and like to read, check it out here.


For those of you who havent ever made one, this is your day. They are simple, delicious and quick to make.
Im done in like 5 mins! And you can make a new flavor everyday.. Best part? You dont need a fancy oven or big ingredients, all stuff you have at home!

These are some of my favorite, check it out :)

Hope you all are busier than me!
Until next time :)

Sunday, 8 June 2014

Day 1 - Part 1

She lazily stretched and stifled a loud yawn.. Her eyes flew to the old pink clock mounted in her room, for a moment she panicked and then she let out a satisfied sigh as she comfortably slumped into her bed. She had no where to hurry to, it was the first day of vacation. A much needed summer break she's been counting days to.

She dug her toes into the soft cosy mattress, curled up and clutched her blanket tighter a small smile momentarily appeared on her face as she wafted back into her dreams.

Oh how she loved days like this, after weeks of hardly getting any sleep. scramble for notes and the much awaited end of her finals, here she finally was. She stayed in bed a little longer, just relaxing and humming along. Little did she know this day was gonna bring a big change in her life.

She loved the non routine the holidays brought. After brushing her teeth and a nice long shower she stepped out to get something to eat.. having ransacked her fridge and platting up everything edible, she sat down in front of her computer rather cozily and got ready for a long marathon of her favorite show.

Six hours later, she had no clue how time passed so quickly. After a quick bathroom break, she decided to revive her now almost non existent social life.

As she punched her Facebook password rather hurriedly something made her smile. As she scrolled through her inbox one name caught her attention, a knowing smile appeared on her lips as she waited for the message to open. It was not a total surprise, she was rather expecting it.. her mind went back to two days ago and the crazy conversation she had with a close friend, Ava. Ava and she had been friends since forever, a month ago Ava got committed which she was clueless about it till a week back. When she finally got a chance to confront her after a drama filled 15 mins, which included a glass of coke poured on her head, a high pitched exchange and finally a promise by Ava to come clean...things settled. And that's when Ava told her someone else wanted to talk to her about the whole thing, someone who was as shocked as her when he heard of her relationship. She gave Ava a curious look and Ava only giggled and instead pointed to a conversation on her phone. 

She read the name and memories from earlier flashed across her mind. She laughed at how innocent they all were back then. One particular memory about him made her frown.. She remembered how they all had a lame pointless deal to hit each other every time a plane passed.. Anyone who forgot to hold up their thumb was entitled to a good whack by the others. Her frown deepened as she remembered how she complained to her mum bout him, saying he hit her on purpose the hardest and how her mom brushed it off with a loud laugh.

Five years later it would be rather interesting to talk to the same guy she thought. She read the text and it was two simple words.. it was a "Hey" followed by her name. And he had got her name wrong. Of all the annoying people in the world, she had a intense dislike and need to constantly correct the ones that couldn't spell. I mean how hard is it to copy a name from your screen!

She replied with a hi and a apology and of course, telling him he got her name all wrong. 

Thursday, 5 June 2014

'To life in all its real glory :)

Hello Blog world!

I've been MIA and it was quite intentional. I'm going through like a weird phase in life.. Its been a mixture of high's and lows. Lets start with the high's, shall we?

I got my first job. Its the second interview i sat for and after like a long wait, with the whole process sprawled  over like a month i finally got it :D
Its a job in my line of interest and study and oh so exciting! I start end of this month, on the 30th of june.. and i'm super excited, i can't wait to get started!

In the meanwhile my boat's been tossing and turning in this journey called life.. I seem to be stuck in a storm that's refusing to pass. There were moments my boat almost toppled, there were also moments i thought the storm has almost passed.. But here i am back at the heart of it.

The emotions and feelings are overwhelming! I feel so weak and vulnerable at the same time strong and determined. I wanna build walls and not let anyone in, yet i'm waiting for that one person to forcefully make their way in and break my walls. I wanna stop believing in a lot of things, at the same time i want someone who gives me no choice but believe.

Is this even normal? Is this how growing up is gonna feel? i don't know. But nobody can really give you answers to these questions.. i don't think people even understand exactly. The answers lie within and nobody gets you like you do. Its a crazy crazy complicated life :)

I just wanna stop feeling so restless and i don't know..

In the midst of all this, i had a tiny vacation to this beautiful place called coorg.

Here are a few grainy pictures i clicked!

It was such e refreshing break from the hustle and bustle of my city life!

Have a grand week ya'll :)

Friday, 9 May 2014

Here, there and everywhere.

Hello all,

As the title says, i'm just feeling here, there and everywhere today. Is it weird that ni get lost and immersed reading the previous posts from my own blog? I hope its not. So, as i was reading today.. i realized i had like a million grammatical and all sorts of errors in my posts. I should probably sit and edit every post one day. I doubt that day is ever coming though.

My wandering mind is running to so many things at once, its hard for my fingers to keep up. Have you ever while typing looked at your fingers and go.. eh that looks unattractive? I just did that! My normally pretty, fingers look like a dozen monkeys while typing.

I went to a beautiful half filled lake today. I don't know why i added the word half filled in the previous sentence. Its a beautiful day in my city here, amazing weather.. I had fun with my girls today, we talked about everything under the sun. I'm telling you, for me that's the best therapy.

Here are more pictures. I can't figure if the over dose of pictures in my posts is because i have gotten lazy or if i'm just clicking more :)

You decide!
Have a goood day, ya'll!

Monday, 5 May 2014

To each, his own.

I don't really feel like writing today, so i'm just gonna go ahead and upload a butt load of pictures to show you all i have been upto! Go ahead and draw your own conclusions from it..

A picture can sometimes say wayy more than words can. :)

A girl i know - Her side of the story.

I was once this girl who thought she was strong, didn't need anyone and lived in a small bubble. I was like a frog in the well, my world was the people around me, and i was content with the little i had in life.

I never wanted to get married, and i went around telling people i'm gonna live rich and live alone.

And then came the twist in the plot. He walked in, made me fight for everything i believed showed me a glimpse of how much more i could have and i fell in love.

The same girl who was content, knew what she could get, she wanted more. She wanted to get married someday, make babies.. Build a house and maybe even give up her career for her family.

I was now the girl that built castles in air. From the wedding dress, to the kinda house (down to the detail of number of rooms) the guests to be invited, everything was planned.

Then, this guy i now considered "mine" helped another girl get a glimpse of what she should have  just like he did with me. And guess what? She fell for him too (No surprise there. HE'S HOT!)

The only difference this time was he didn't want to reject this girl right away, because she was beautiful both inside and out. He said she deserved better, and there was no way i could not disagree with that.

But it hurt, to hear him talk of pleasing another girl. To hear him think and consider her pierced my heart. First it was overwhelming sadness, then frustration, and then anger and finally self destruction. I tore down all the dreams i built.

I passed every fantasy, every dream through a shredder. I was in that mode till there was nothing left to lose. It was satisfying and painful both at once. Most of all it was cruel to him. Because he built all those castles with me too.

I sometimes honestly wish i had a normal guy and a normal relationship, but then in the same breath i am fully aware that i would have ever fallen in love with him if he was "normal". And i would never trade "being in love" for anything.

So right now he's forgiven me for going into self destruct and almost destroying us, but he's not forgotten it.

We still have a lot of healing to do. We are not who we used to be, and it scares me, because now what we have anybody can have. What we had then, was magical. The other woman in love with him is still around, its just there. We are not tossing and poking that boat anywhere around for now.

He knows i love him. Both he and i both know she likes him more than a friend still too. Everything is out on the table, no under currents, no hidden feelings.

Isn't the truth supposed to make things easier? From when the truth about her feelings was out, its only been a downhill.

I have a knot in my throat as i type this, and its threatening to spill out through my eyes. I wish there was a solution to this. A solution where no one got hurt. But we haven't gotten that smart yet.

Young love.. Can't live with it, can't live without.

Lonfused girl.

Sunday, 27 April 2014


Hello there!

Have you all had a time in your life too where you wished you didn't grow up, at-least not so fast? I'm in that phase now and i kinda hate. I hate how i have to make "responsible" decisions some of which will determine something as HUGE as which way i'm gonna go in life.

So right now i'm confused if i should study or work. Like till yesterday i was convinced i'm gonna work a year or two and then resume studies as most of the colleges i wanna go to are harping on work experience. But then yesterday i got a call from a college i applied for, to come for round 2 of the selection process.

[That's my single most ugliest drawing. I think my drawing capabilities drop from like a 7 to like a 1/2 when i'm confused.]

I didn't even consider it seriously because honestly i'm quite content with the job offer i got from a reputed company via campus recruitment. But now i can't help but think will i regret it all my life if i don't show up at this college for round 2.

I'm sure of one thing i wanna finish my MBA in the next 5 years. But being sure of that is not getting me anywhere.

I can't really toss a coin on this one. See, this is exactly what i mean by i don't like growing up. I can't help but wonder, can you live a life without regrets in reality. I mean at some point aren't we all faced with a choice like this. Will our decision no matter how wholehearted leave us with no regrets? Is no regrets a reality or theortical concept thrown around?

Decision time.

Friday, 25 April 2014

The Eye.

So I'm finally done with college, i don't know how to feel about that.. Its a mixed feeling of relief of finally being done, coupled with excitement to start a completely new phase with a dash of fear because of so much uncertainty that the future holds.

My decision to stay happy where and no matter how or no matter what, is going quite well as long as i'm occupied. I'm in day four of my break and i have had quite a productive week.

Currently my latest obsession is Ms paint, and i sit hours on it drawing whatever comes to my mind. Here is a sneak peak :P

This one is totally random, it was done for a friend who inspired it. But i'm quite proud of it even if this friend didn't think much of it ^-^

So basically i'm just blogging and instagram'ming away just to show this off!

I dunno what to do next! Anybody have any inspiration for me? nothing? Ok.

I have this vague idea about what i wanna do next, ill shall be back soon with the finished product, until then.. blow your minds out with this one. (Am i making any sense anymore?)

I'm calling this "The Eye".. How creative, right.

I think ill title my post that! o.o
Yes, i title my post after i write. Problem anyone? No? Good.

Friday, 18 April 2014


Life is a full circle they say.
So you don't really know if its the end,
Or your just penned.

Both feel the same,
Feels like someone is playing a game.

The highs and then the lows,
Carefully raining down blow by blow.

Your hurt
And left feeling like dirt.

That pervert.
His hands up my shirt..

And down trickle my unnoticed tears,
With it comes true, my worse fears.

But im a woman, we take pride in ourselves.
A pervert can't make me hate myself.

In every woman there is a "man"
Chinese, Indian or Bhutan.

The choice is limited,
The mindset? Narrow and primitive.

Be the victim or proud survivor,
Its time we stopped being back seat drivers.

The mind, it gets this. But the heart?

Its cold and blue,
Foolishly waiting for someone to break through.

Waiting for a smile or hug,
And taking it in, like its a addictive drug.

Friday, 11 April 2014

1k, viber and more!

Hello ya'll! I'M SUPER DUPER EXCITED ABOUT CROSSING 1K PAGE VIEWS.. I'm doing a happy dance even right now! :D

I'm write in the middle of my final semester exams btw, and i cant wait to be done! I have two more to go spread over a huge two weeks :/

Anyway, with the whole 1000 page views thing, i wanted to do something special, like something to remember all this excitement by.. i have an amazing idea in mind.. but it may take a while, and some pushing and pulling.. soo be patient.

In the meanwhile, wanna see whats keeping me busy?

Get in there and participate!
And if you haven't downloaded the app yet, its time you do.. I assure you, you won't be disappointed  :)

Still don't get it? Check this outtt :D

Dooo ittt! Nowww!

Monday, 7 April 2014

7 Things To Do When In Solitude.

Why would someone be in self exile? I don't know! But time alone only almost always helps, you may find a side of you that you didn't know existed!

I sat in a self imposed solitude for about two days because i felt i was swearing too much, i didn't like it! Its just not me, so it had to cleaned out, alone. And it definitely helped. I have more self control than i imagined :P

More seriously, lets get started, shall we :)


Trust me, nothing makes you wanna run from your decision like your phone! It'll all be smooth at first, your just scrolling around on Facebook, and then you come to whatsapp, your reading everyone's status and then you see that name.. And you feel this urgent need to text or call, and it won't go away even with a random distraction. So if you wanna do this, throw away your phone.

2. Be occupied.

They don't call the idle mind a devil's workshop for nothing. Do something, ANYTHING. Read a book, go shopping, study, play a sport!

3. Learn something New:

You have all the time in the world and you live in the Google era. Learn something new, like cook something you've always wanted to try, or try to make a hat! You get the idea, right?

4. Clean your room:

I know this sounds cliche but you'll have to agree with me on this one. If your someone like me then you've used the lack of time excuse wayy too many times.. So do it now. And you never know, you may find something you had forgotten about and it'll keep you occupied for hours!

5. Look at pictures:

This should probably be number one on my list :)
You won't hear or mind the clock ticking on this one. The older the better. Its wierd how even after so many years pictures have that grip on you.

6. If you have absolutely nothing to do get on the internet!

There is a ocean of stuff in here that will keep you hooked. So just this other day, i was doing random browsing and landed up on this page. If you lived in a ignorant bubble like me and have no clue what Humans of New York is, your missing out on something crazy! The pictures and story, it just makes you think how often you've been so judgmental. How many times have we stopped to think of what could be the story of someone you just passed on the street. Even the brightest smile has a story behind it. It kinda made me think of my perspective of things. Its beautiful, check it out :)
Its almost a week since i found it, and im still hooked!

7. Do that ONE thing:

Don't we all have that ONE thing we keep pushing at the back of our head. Something we ALWAYS wanted to do but never found the time or motivation to. What's yours? Is it getting a new book of your favorite author? Is it a misunderstanding you needed to clear with an old friend? Or is it something as simple as finding a gym and enrolling :)

Find your thing and do it :)