Monday, 30 December 2013

While stepping into the new..

Its the time of the year where people forget the old and look forward to the new.
I wanna take time and think about the year that just flew by. Its been one incredible phase.
Yes, i do look forward to 2014 with expectations and anticipation. But 2013 is a year i will look back at fondly and smile.
Yes, there were super duper lows too, but hey, the highs made up for it :)

-Its the year i got closer to God.
-Its the year i got my driving licence.
-The year i started blogging.
-The year my closest cousin got married.
- The year i made some friends for life.
- The year i started taking my career seriously.
- The year i ventured out my comfort zone.
And a whole loooot more. Its also the year i goof'd up and messed up big time. The year i cried my heart out almost every other day for no great reason.
So yes, its been a bumpy 2013, and the lows in my life are what made the highs sweeter.
I'm forever thankful to God and the people i call family and my wonderful crazy friends who took this journey with me.
Here's to a eventful 2013, and hoping 2014 is bigger :)

Happy New Year, ya'll :D

Ill probbabbly do a detailed flashback soon :)

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

A poem for you.

It was an ocean so deep,
Full of things only love can sweep.

One peep and you know its deep,
All things worth, I thought I should keep.

After a min of fleeting doubt,

I thought its time and took the call
Took the step with all I had,
Jumped, but never did I land.

The fall felt like days, sometimes even months.
And then I did the thing, I thought best.

Ceased the fall and arrested the run.

Now all I do is wait, wait for the time to ripe,

Wait for the flowers to bloom and birds to take flight.

Its not as bad as it sounds, the hope of all things beautiful is profound.

Wait’s a teacher, im told.

Time’s the key, for things to unfold.

Monday, 23 December 2013

Its time, Christmas is here :)

I'm back, after being MIA for quite a while.. Andd I've had quite a busy week, lots of changes. I mean, c'mon! who isn't busy this season.. The season of joy is FINALLYY getting to me, i must say! I'm jollier than usual :P

And i just realized my spell check does not have a "ignore" here o.o. So finally this week, we got our little tree up, and the stars too :D
                                                         [That's the pretty star :)]

And, i had birthdays in the fam that kept me busy. Anyway. even though suddenly time seems to be flying so fast, life hasn't stopped teaching. SO much to learn and eat everyday.

Im pushing my studies, search for colleges and everything else on the back burner for this week. I think its that time of the year, everyone needs to take it slow, and soak in the love and that's exactly what i plan on doing :D

So what's new with you this season?

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Inside my little head! :P

So, i was just looking at my blog today, and i realised this is come to be more that just a blog i update regularly. This has become so much more personal now.. yes, i played around a bit and made it more me, but there is a lot that this place needs. Specifically more pictures, i'm working on that :)

But i'm at a point where its no more about the page views or the comments, i mean don't get me wrong, those still pump me up and get me going, but there is a lot more reasons to comeback here everyday and write. These past few days i haven't really been feeling myself and this blog gives me direction, it show me where i belong, and how much i love doing what i do. Even through the many disappointments, i've learnt to be grateful, and remember those going through worse.

To most of you this may just be a random rambling, but to me its a breath of fresh air :D
I love getting on here and reading the blogs i follow and also the ones i don't, i'm more of a reader than a writer person. It kinda completes my day.

Here is to life, and all the unexpected things that come with it :)

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Never stop dreaming.

Today marks a year since the gruesome tragedy from Delhi that left us all numb.
But the anger still remains. My blood still boils when think of this past year and the zero progress we've made. The silly controversies that were fought and dirty linen washed in public while the people of my Nation just waited. 
When will the safety of women be taken seriously? When can i walk out wearing what i want and when i want and comeback safe?

When is a question i can never answer, and i doubt anyone can.
But i still have hope. I still dream of the day women are respected and treated with the same respect. I dream of safer night and caring men.

And i shall i keep dreaming. I dream of justice and a system that delivers it.
This post is to all those dreams that we are gonna one day see fulfilled.

Thursday, 12 December 2013


Small, big, young, old.. everyone needs love. The cold looking neighbor, the forever rude classmate, the "leave me alone" roommate, just about everybody needs love. Even the people who say they can live without it, need it. Love doesn't just mean great big sacrifices or bib emotional words or a ring, it can be something as effortless as a smile, a kind word, little gesture.

In a world that's lacking love, i think its time we took the first step, I beleive love can change a person and can make the place we live better, love can mean lesser fights, lesser broken homes, lesser angry drivers, lesser wars, lesser crimes, lesser tears.

Show someone what love is today. It takes effort and a big heart to love, Love comes easy when the person in question is easy, friendly and warm. what about all those aren't? It takes an everyday effort, its not easy but its also not impossible.

I would like to end with a quote from the bible " Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres."

I think that just sums up everything and says it all :)

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

The unknown

"The unknown seems scary and
dangerous. But that's where all
the growth and progress lives."
I started my day by reading this quote and it got me thinking. How many times have you stopped yourself from doing something because of the fear of the unknown?
I can think of various such situations. Be it in relationships or daily decisions, i have held back so many times because of the fear of the unknown.
Thinking back now, i feel maybe if i had lived without fear my life would probably be completely different.
But better late than never, right? Lets make an effort! Stop fearing the unknown, take that one mighty giant step and watch the unknown transform into the known.

As i was just sitting in a bus, on my way to college today i was wallowing in self pity thinking i have a hard life just because i had to wait long for a bus, and how im juggling projects and assignments and exams and interviews all at once.. But one look out of my bubble and i realize what a cosy comfy life i live. I have a beautiful house, people i can call family and so many beautiful things. Sometimes it takes others sorrows to make us focus on our blessings!
I watched a crippled man crawling from vehicle to vehicle begging, while i sat comfortable in my seat crying about something i chose to do, and end of the day enjoy doing.
Sometimes life has funny ways of teaching you things, its time we stop and pay heed before its too late :)

I dunno where im going with this post! I started with one thought and im onto something completely different now! :P

Happy day fellow humans! :D

Friday, 6 December 2013

Two months and counting :)

Tomorrow marks two months of me getting a blog and starting off. And its been an absolute pleasure since then. Honestly i never thought ill last this long! But the page views and the occasional comments made me keep coming back, more than anything else this place was supposed to be a release its been that and much more! Its become something i look forward to every day :]

I thought what better time to make this little blog more "me" than now?!

So my name will still be a mystery. But here is more! I turned 20 this month, so i am no more the teen i was.. I'm Indian and live in a gorgeous city - Hyderabad. Numbers are my thing! I'm at a point in career where im keeping all my options open, another few months and ill know for sure which way im heading :D

I love coffee and I've  baked only once in my life. Chocolates and hugs work wonders for me and can turn any day around. i use ! a lot. My friends are a very important part of me. I'm not a introvert but im not someone who will come up and start a conversation, unless its just the two of us in a room and the silence gets wayy too awkward! But i talk to anyone and everyone who comes up and talks. I have loooots of friends but a chosen few are the ones that actually know me well.

This below is subject to change any min, right now my mood feels this :P

LOVING: chocolates, writing, talking, the weather

HATING: fights, angry people


WANTING: colder nights, a book charm bracelet (Found it yday, but it doesn't ship to where i live :[ )

PLANNING: For a upcoming project in coll, the weekend.

FEELING: Comfy, warm. a little sick [Have a runny nose]

LEARNING: independence, to think differently

WISHING; My winter break gets here faaastteerr.

NEEDING: A new diary [Have been postponing getting one for wayy too long!]

Well, thats all for noww.. You'll see more of me in every post i write!
keep reading.

I would love to hear what you think :)

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Something Beautiful!

I was studying for an upcoming exam, and i read about something i didn't know existed. I Googled it and it just HAD TO go on my long term bucket list!

The northern lights and the southern lights. Don't believe me follow the link! It'll blow your freaking mind away.. The beauty made my stomach do a spin. Its beyond breath taking and spell bounding.

                                           [Two of my favorite Northern Lights pictures]

These are natural light displays in the sky particularly in the high latitude (Arctic and Antarctic) regions, caused by the collision of energetic charged particles with atoms in the high altitude atmosphere (thermosphere).

                                           [Two of my favorite southern Lights pictures]

Its southern counterpart, the southern lights, has features that are almost identical to the aurora borealis and changes simultaneously with changes in the northern auroral zone. It is visible from high southern latitudes in AntarcticaSouth AmericaNew Zealand, and Australia.
I still cant believe this all purely natural and untouched my man. Soooo freaking beautiful!

Monday, 2 December 2013


Yes, you read that right!

I learnt a very important lesson today, losing control. I'm a very controlling person,m i plan my days/parties/assignments and make sure they go exactly that way. One small tiny deviation and im a monster! I get soo worked up when things don't go as planned, like when i miss my regular bus, or friend turns up late, or when someone messes up a playlist i made! just about anything!!!

But this past week i learnt to lose it, im still learning, rather! Sometimes in life there are things you can do absolutely nothing about.. all you gotta do in those moments, is trust God, sit back and relax. Sometimes things cant be changed and the sooner we accept that the better our life gets.

Its different you know when you lose control, your free to do anything you want.. till now, life felt like a big party i was hosting, now its just one big party im attending :D

Losing control is not the same as being indifferent, you still care about things happening around, just not to the point of upsetting yourself over every little thing.

Its time to sit back, relax and eat away :P

Wednesday, 20 November 2013


[If you didn't read my previous post this may not make much sense :P]

And if you haven't figured it out yet, yes the cake turned out pretty awesome! Everyone in my fam was positively shocked that i succeeded at something like that! Because, to be honest, baking was never my strongest department :P

Oh who am i kidding! I was bad horrible horrible at baking till this afternoon ;]
Soo i got the stuff i needed and found a recipe where i could do it in my electric rice cooker, which i found so interesting! So i did and it turned out amazing!

Soo for those interested, ill post the link in the end!
If you've never done this before or you've had horrible attempts or your just bored! This is the thing for you!
The recipe is super clear and simple, even kids could do it! :P

Anyway im excited and celebrating big time at my baking success!
Andd im also already working on my next post, so keep reading :)

Here's the amazing cake recipe link!

A pretty cousin suggested i use oil instead of butter and i did and it turned out just fine :)

PS: This is for people who are new or lost around here! I have had people ask me how they can subscribe, so if your looking for that, drop your email in the "subscribe by email" box to the right of the page, and everytime i update, you get mail! You can also promote a blog through your Google+ account by clicking the "g+" to the right.

^That's a piece i saved for ya'll for being so nice and sweet :P

Happpy caking :]

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Bad start to a hopefully good day :P

Ever had a day where you got off to a bad start? Like really really bad start! Nothing good happening!

 Soo today I wake in the morning and feel all sunshiny and decide it’s the perfect day to bake a cake, and I start by googling recipes, I find the  most simple perfect  one and begin to take stock of the ingredients at home. I make a list of things I need to buy, and I get out and guess what? I get everything I need except stuff for a cake, every single store in my usually pretty useful locality is out of butter and cocoa powder.. but Im not giving up just yet! My mind is so set on that cake today! Im gonna go again and try in an hour! 

For now, just calming my nerves with the latest season of Melissa and joeyy! :D

Ill probably post a few pictures when/if i get around to baking it! ;]
Happy sunshiney day!

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Good ol days

Today is a school friend's birthday and i just got off the phone with her..
Its days like this you realize how much life has changed, and how different you are as a person today.
Talking to her brought back so many forgotten memories. It made me realize sometimes you gotta step out the race every once in a while and look back to see, how far you've come..

People say time changes things. I say, not always :)
Today when i talked to her, it was just like old times. We haven't been in touch a lot, we each are busy with our lives, but today on that call, it felt like nothing changed.. It felt like we picked up right from where we left it. And that's one amazing feeling..

Soo on this special day, i would like to thank her for making with me so many beautiful memories, some still bring a smile to my face on those not so awesome days.
The secrets we shared, the fights we had, the food we ate, the pranks we played, and the birthdays together. They are more than just special memories.

Happy birthday, Florence :)
Stay the beautiful girl you are :D

Monday, 21 October 2013


How often have we heard that word? Its almost fashionable to keep saying it.
I learnt and understood it differently, very recently..

Moving on doesn't just mean getting over your old boyfriend and finding a new one. It means getting your feet to move even when they are so deeply sunk in, and taking that first step out of the situation your in.
It just means moving forward, stepping out of the old.

Moving on can be good in more ways than one.. It could be something as small as not letting a bad exam ruin your day. Or making an effort to smile even if everything seems like its falling apart..

The society we live in today, is so fast paced. I sometimes wish i lived a decade ago.. Life was more laid back, back then!
You are expected to be fast or you're just left alone, to collect the pieces of your broken life.

I personally feel moving on is not something that comes to you. Its not a genie in a bottle. Its an effort. It takes grit and strength for someone to move on.
The moment you take the first step you'll see the change. You'll see that life still goes on and you'll begin to notice the big picture.

This is to all my friends, who've been stuck there wayy tooo long. I think its time to take that first tiny step, and give life another chance and "move on"! :)

Saturday, 12 October 2013


I have often wondered about this word. Is it a phase? A way of living? When i finally get what it means, its beyond beautiful. I have met people who proudly say how unaccountable they are.. i find that very lame! As humans we need accountability.. As a christian i believe i am first and before anything, accountable to my God. But as a teenage girl im accountable to many people around too. 

Accountability doesn't mean being ruled over or controlled by someone. Wiki puts it this way " accountability is answerability, blameworthinessliability, and the expectation of account-giving."

Account giving! I enjoy that!  I love telling people  about the things i did, and by account giving it doesn't have to be about just the wrong you did, or the things that make you guilty. It could be something like buying a new dress, or running out of petrol on the way to something important, or just watching your favourite show! Its just talking about everything you do to someone who cares. Its like therapy! I feel a million times better when i have a bad day and can talk about it! Its like hot bajjis on a rainy day, ice cream on a hot afternoon, a foot massage after a long day, like a.. well you get the idea, don't you!

I have someone whom im accountable to, and its one of the best things in my life! So who are you accountable to, today? It could be a brother, a sister, a friend, a parent, a colleague.. anyone who cares :)

Find your accountability partner and see where it goes!  :)

Monday, 7 October 2013


I dunno where to start. Starting a blog has been on my mind for almost a year now.. but i have been postponing it for as long as i remember! So what FINALLY brings me here you ask? A friend :)
This is someone who knows me in and out.. soooo today when the blogging came up in the conversation again.. i was told "Do it woman! :)".. Soo my brain kicked in and went why not? And i logged in and made a profile and here i am typing away..

I chose to anonymous because i intend to be brutally honest about everything and everyone around.
If your reading this, drop a comment, and tell me what you think!

 Picture courtesy: