Sunday, 14 September 2014

We slept together one last time.

Before all your perverted minds start racing, I'm talking bout my phone. 

So yes,  this post is to lock and store in my memory my journey with my (now) old phone. 

She was with me for two long years and it was fun.  She's watched me laugh hysterically and also sob like there is no tomorrow.

She's also been a silent punching bag and taken everything I've thrown at her without a word. 

She was beautiful, she was mine.

And I have no qualms in admitting I was so attached to her that I don't mind looking ridiculous about dedicating this post to her.

Her time in my life is over, and this is me letting her go.

Goodbye. You were a blessing, old phone.

P.s I miss your keypad already!

Saturday, 13 September 2014


As of  9th September:

As i look back at my teenage years, i'm overwhelmed with nothing more than gratitude. Those were the best years of my life, hands down.

The thrills and high's i've had, made life worth living and looking forward to. For years i went to sleep with a secure smile and woke up with one.

Change is big. Sometimes too big to comprehend.

Sometimes you hear a goodbye from people you least expect. And for reasons most ridiculous.

But life MUST go on.

The future looks bleak and thinking of it sends a cold shiver down my spine.

I tell myself.. One day at a time. One day at a time, and it won't be so bad.

Sunday, 7 September 2014


I'm having a serious case of wanderlust, people! I want to need to travel! Its been soo long, the itch is just getting worse and making me so restless.

I keep thinking of the places i wanna go to, the sights i wanna see, the things i wanna experience, the people i can meet, the foooood ill get to eat. Its hopeless ya'll!