That was what was running in the girl's head. She could not believe she was even having doubts like that! They have been together for like 3 years.. And now was just not the time to think of it. But yet here she was.
After every text she typed and deleted, after every line she rephrased.. All she could think of was, that.
Weren't things supposed to get easier?
People supposed to mature with time. Why did everything feel like it was happening backyards with her. Why did she feel like things were so much easier for them two years ago. Weren't people supposed to understand you better with time?
And what was he saying? He didn't want her worry bout him or care about him? Is that even possible?
Isn't that kinda impossible when your in love.
Like is there a magnetic force that helps you do that?

[The photograph belongs to an amazing photographer, who also happens to be a very close friend. Its so beautiful, is'nt it?
Anyhoo, anyone need a photographer, to capture just about anything, contact: I assure you, there is no room for disappointment]
As she lay on her belly, staring intently into the blank wall infront of her, she could not help but think if he had someone else in mind, or if he got tired of her, or did he just want to be single and "free" like he called it that day.. But she could also help but feel guilty and horrible bout doubting him or his love.
He was a part of her.. To hurt her, he would have to go through the pain equally.. She told herself, so sane person will hurt themselves.. And yet she had that tiny weeny doubt at the back of her head.. A doubt she was afraid to say out loud.. Is this the shore of the river of pain?
Are these its water that wash over her toes every other min. Is this the point where she has to run away or will she have to fight the tide to stay afloat.
Will it be worth it?
Its a fight she has to fight alone, and the answer will come only if the battle's won.
After every text she typed and deleted, after every line she rephrased.. All she could think of was, that.
Weren't things supposed to get easier?
People supposed to mature with time. Why did everything feel like it was happening backyards with her. Why did she feel like things were so much easier for them two years ago. Weren't people supposed to understand you better with time?
And what was he saying? He didn't want her worry bout him or care about him? Is that even possible?
Isn't that kinda impossible when your in love.
Like is there a magnetic force that helps you do that?

[The photograph belongs to an amazing photographer, who also happens to be a very close friend. Its so beautiful, is'nt it?
Anyhoo, anyone need a photographer, to capture just about anything, contact: I assure you, there is no room for disappointment]
As she lay on her belly, staring intently into the blank wall infront of her, she could not help but think if he had someone else in mind, or if he got tired of her, or did he just want to be single and "free" like he called it that day.. But she could also help but feel guilty and horrible bout doubting him or his love.
He was a part of her.. To hurt her, he would have to go through the pain equally.. She told herself, so sane person will hurt themselves.. And yet she had that tiny weeny doubt at the back of her head.. A doubt she was afraid to say out loud.. Is this the shore of the river of pain?
Are these its water that wash over her toes every other min. Is this the point where she has to run away or will she have to fight the tide to stay afloat.
Will it be worth it?
Its a fight she has to fight alone, and the answer will come only if the battle's won.
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