Saturday, 11 April 2015

Weekend Ramblings

You know I always struggle  with the opening line for all my posts. Its very confusing - Do you say hello like in a conversation or do you just start typing what you want to? I don't know if its a blogger thing or its just me!

Anyway, Its a Saturday night and I'm home for once. And also, I've had the most unproductive day in a looong time. All i did today was watch videos and sleep. All day, Watch videos - Eat - sleep - repeat. And I'm so bored right now! I don't know what to watch anymore.

I'm eating a looot. This past week, if i had to pick a theme for my life, it would be food. Also i finally got my fringe trimmed and I'm content - not ecstatic but content. 

Something else I'm happy about is a break I'm catching next week! I'm going to chennai for a weekend just to chill at the beach and spend time with my cousins WOHOOO.

Work is  hectic and umm.. I don't know. Maybe i'll write a whole post on the different people at work sometime soon.

Well, I'm still confused and annoyed.. about a lot of things. 

'Here to another week of People, food and Whatever!


Friday, 3 April 2015


My take on Deepika Padukone's "My Choice"

Hi All,

Before I start, I would like you to watch this video. It won't take long.

Now that you know what I'm giving my opinion on, lets begin :)

The video went Viral about 6 days back, I remember I was in office and someone sent me a link to it. While it buffered I  read the description below, and built my expectations, I was looking forward to watching the video even more now.

The video starts well but slowly down the line I just could not agree to anything she was saying. Sometimes we go too far in the name of women empowerment and this in my opinion is one such instance.

Have sex outside marriage - My choice. Is it really a married woman's choice to have sex outside marriage. I just wont agree to that. Like, in which twisted sense  does that make sense? Marriage is a sacred institution, its a vow. And nobody should be allowed to destroy it in the name of empowerment. There is nothing empowering about having sex outside your marriage, its just as shameful to a woman as it is to a man. You can't promise to love and stand by an individual one day, and then have sex with someone else the next day and say its my choice, because I'm a woman.

Another line that caught my attention was Love temporarily, lust forever - My choice.  Say what?  This is more a question of morality than anything else.

I realized something as I watched the video. Not  many people get the meaning of women empowerment. Women empowerment is elevating women to a position of equality with man or bringing her to be on par with a man NOT like this video suggests above everything and everyone else.

I would like to end with a verse from the Bible  Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  - Romans 12:2

Yes all of these are choices, but they all come at a very big price. Are you ready to pay that price?

Ponder, think  - Make your choice.